4 good reasons to get your .au direct domain.

4 good reasons to get your .au direct domain.

Australia’s .au direct domain is launching soon. Known as a country code top-level domain, or a ccTLD, there are many reasons why businesses should consider obtaining their .au direct domain name. Anthony Mayer, Digital Strategy Consultant from Online is Easy looks at 4 reasons to get the .au country code domain.

Direct .au Domains are Coming!

Direct .au Domains are Coming!

Coming March 2022. .au direct names - like onlineiseasy.au - will be open to anyone with a connection to Australia. It's a shorter, simpler domain name that will be available as a new option for Australian Internet users.

To be eligible for a .au direct name you must have a verifiable Australian presence, which includes being a citizen or permanent resident, or being an organisation registered in Australia.

Australia leads the world in ethically shaping global cyberspace.

Australia leads the world in ethically shaping global cyberspace.

I get that the topic of domain name registration is quite dry and misunderstood by many small businesses, however, it’s one of the underrated corner stones of an effective online identity. Your domain name forms a part of your intellectual property (IP), it builds brand recognition and credibility. It is the root of a strong online presence that then branches out to custom email and a website - fundamental tools in an effective digital strategy. A domain name is one of the things that can mean the difference between your emails getting read and clicked on or added to SPAM and deleted.

New pricing for G Suite Basic and Business Editions

New pricing for G Suite Basic and Business Editions

Starting on 2 April, 2019, G Suite Basic Edition will increase by $1 (from $5 to $6 per user/month) and G Suite Business Edition will increase by $2 (from $10 to $12 per user/month), or the local currency equivalent where applicable.