
How do You Stay Safe Online: an update on password managers.

How do You Stay Safe Online: an update on password managers.

How safe is your password? With enough time, nothing is unhackable, in fact, when quantum computing gets better, all bets are off. Until then, keep your passwords over 8 characters using a mixture of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols and stop using your web browser to store them for you. The best option is to get an encrypting password manager that will manage your security for you across all your devices.

Protect Yourself from Cybercrime: The Power of Two-Factor Authentication.

Protect Yourself from Cybercrime: The Power of Two-Factor Authentication.

Protecting your digital information is more important than ever. Cybercrime is on the rise, but there's a powerful defence: two-factor authentication (2FA). It adds an extra layer of security beyond passwords, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorised access. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of 2FA and guide you through activating it for your online accounts. Strengthen your digital defences and keep cyber threats at bay.